CASE Bayerische Eisenbahngesellschaft

  • Strategische <br>Beratung
    Always up-to-date with the latest relevant political and social developments, our team provides comprehensive advice and support to help you process the many complex and changing trends and their implications and evaluate and develop the communicative steps required. We know the relevant opinion leaders and decision makers and we use this knowledge as the basis for our recommendations and plans for suitable public relations or communications programmes or campaigns.
  • Medienarbeit
    We are experts in dealing with journalists, issue management, media-friendly writing, and the textual and visual preparation of information. We make effective placements for your messages. Whether regional, national, or international coverage, print, TV, radio, or online, our consultants understand how to tailor messaging to the target media. Our portfolio also includes media training.
  • Monitoring und <br>Themenmanagement
    We monitor the relevant public and less public sources and systematically analyse the developments in politics, public affairs, and the market. We also conduct detailed investigations of political, social and economic conditions at both the micro- and macro-levels to deliver clear, accurate, and comprehensible analyses and provide comprehensive insights into areas important to your activities.
  • Text, Redaktion<br> und Publikationen
    Whether you need a small presentation on a single topic or a comprehensive prospectus, whether you need it in print, video, or as a programme, we will handle the concept, design, text, and production as well as find the best distribution channels.
  • Dialogveranstaltungen
  • Online-<br>Kommunikation

The Bayerische Eisenbahngesellschaft mbH (BEG) is a company of the Free State of Bavaria. On behalf of the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior, for Building and Transport, the BEG plans, finances and controls the regional and suburban railway traffic in Bavaria. ORCA has been advising BEG on corporate communications since 2016 and develops and implements targeted PR activities.

“Our collaboration with ORCA includes the complete range of Corporate Communications. The agency’s team understands how to grasp the complexity of local rail passenger transport in Bavaria, develops well thought-out concepts and presents our diverse topics in a way that is easy to understand and precise in different formats. With ORCA, we experience professional advice at eye level that we can always rely on”.
Wolfgang Oeser, Bayerische Eisenbahngesellschaft mbH, Head of Quality Management, Marketing, Press Relations

Examples of our work

Project “Modernization of the Munich suburban railway fleet”.

Development of the communication strategy and the implementation concept, content development as well as support in the implementation of communication activities (project website, stakeholder dialogue, press relations, etc.).

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Content development, editing and text for various BEG publications (Owned Media)

Continuous public relations

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ORCA an der Isar GmbH

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