CASE Crown Equipment Corporation (EMEA)

  • Strategische <br>Beratung
    Always up-to-date with the latest relevant political and social developments, our team provides comprehensive advice and support to help you process the many complex and changing trends and their implications and evaluate and develop the communicative steps required. We know the relevant opinion leaders and decision makers and we use this knowledge as the basis for our recommendations and plans for suitable public relations or communications programmes or campaigns.
  • Medienarbeit
    We are experts in dealing with journalists, issue management, media-friendly writing, and the textual and visual preparation of information. We make effective placements for your messages. Whether regional, national, or international coverage, print, TV, radio, or online, our consultants understand how to tailor messaging to the target media. Our portfolio also includes media training.
  • Monitoring und <br>Themenmanagement
    We monitor the relevant public and less public sources and systematically analyse the developments in politics, public affairs, and the market. We also conduct detailed investigations of political, social and economic conditions at both the micro- and macro-levels to deliver clear, accurate, and comprehensible analyses and provide comprehensive insights into areas important to your activities.
  • Text, Redaktion<br> und Publikationen
    Whether you need a small presentation on a single topic or a comprehensive prospectus, whether you need it in print, video, or as a programme, we will handle the concept, design, text, and production as well as find the best distribution channels.
  • Dialogveranstaltungen
  • Online-<br>Kommunikation

Crown is one of the world’s largest material handling companies with a reputation for award-winning product design, advanced engineering and technology supported by superior after-sales service. Crown’s business philosophy utilises vertically integrated processes to design, manufacture and distribute forward-thinking innovative solutions that improve customers’ productivity and operating efficiency. Crown develops, produces and sells a broad range of forklifts, as well as automation and fleet management technologies.

“In ORCA, we have found a partner who understands our thinking and actions and who fits in with us. From the very beginning, the agency has understood how to translate the complex and technical issues of the logistics industry into easily understandable texts and position Crown successfully in the media. As lead agency for the EMEA region, ORCA is closely linked with its partner agencies in the international agency network IPREX and also successfully coordinates press relations in our European core markets.”
Jörn Erdmann, Crown Equipment Corporation, Communications Manager Europe

ORCA advises and supports Crown in Europe since 2013 in all questions of corporate communications (focus on business-to-business) and works as lead agency throughout Europe – in Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain – together with the partner agencies of IPREX, the worldwide network of owner-managed PR agencies.

Our tasks and projects include:

  • Press releases
  • Processing of press enquiries
  • Active press contact
  • Case studies/user reports
  • Press events
  • Media monitoring and evaluation

Examples of our work

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Bayerische Eisenbahngesellschaft


ORCA an der Isar GmbH

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80469 München
+49 (0) 89 716 77 40 50

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