CASE Expansion of the S-Bahn at Cologne railway junction
- Always up-to-date with the latest relevant political and social developments, our team provides comprehensive advice and support to help you process the many complex and changing trends and their implications and evaluate and develop the communicative steps required. We know the relevant opinion leaders and decision makers and we use this knowledge as the basis for our recommendations and plans for suitable public relations or communications programmes or campaigns.
- We are experts in dealing with journalists, issue management, media-friendly writing, and the textual and visual preparation of information. We make effective placements for your messages. Whether regional, national, or international coverage, print, TV, radio, or online, our consultants understand how to tailor messaging to the target media. Our portfolio also includes media training.
- Whether you need a small presentation on a single topic or a comprehensive prospectus, whether you need it in print, video, or as a programme, we will handle the concept, design, text, and production as well as find the best distribution channels.
- The inclusion of individual opinion leaders, certain groups, or all citizens in (political) decision-making processes can improve the quality and legitimacy of these decisions. We determine at which points such participation processes are meaningful and promising and then plan and implement them, from round tables to conferences or even online debates.
- We also provide support in the virtual realm, including concepts, editing, design, and programming. We find out how to identify your target groups online and address them with original ideas, good stories, and high technical competence that grabs their attention.
Since January 2019, ORCA, in close cooperation with Heimrich & Hannot in Cologne, has been handling the communication for the expansion of the S-Bahn in the Cologne railway junction – an infrastructure project of great importance for the Cologne Metropolitan Area. The client is the Kompetenzcenter Marketing NRW (KCM), which is located at the Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Sieg. Several players are involved in the expansion project: In addition to KCM, these are the Ministry of Transport of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Nahverkehr Rheinland GmbH, DB Netz AG and DB Station&Service AG. The early and continuous involvement of citizens and various interest groups is of central importance for the project. The aim is to communicate the complex infrastructure topic, which requires explanation, to a heterogeneous target group and to win as many stakeholders as possible as long-term supporters of the expansion project.
Key tasks:
– Development of the communication and citizen participation strategy
– Ongoing advice
– Development and creation of content (concept, editing and text)
– Further development and continuous support of the website
– Development of communication media and campaigns
– Support for press relations